
My absolute dream press arrived on Sunday evening after a long journey from Essex to North Yorkshire. Super thankful to these three for making it happen!

This is a Charlton Cropper Acme press (who we have named Polly) which was made sometime around the 1890’s in Nottingham, England. I couldn’t have been happier to take this particular press as it obviously had a lot of sentimental value with the sounds of it’s clinking ink disk instilled in many childhood memories. Along with the rest of the small print room this cropper had been left untouched for 20 years. Though it is still in amazing condition there is a fair bit of rust to clean up and new rollers to source but I’m so looking to have it up and running soon.

It is really a bit of a step down from ‘Hans’ the Heidelberg but I have just always lusted after on of these old treadle presses. How beautiful is she, and that flywheel..!